Offres de Thèses, Stages et Post-docs

nombre d'offres : 1

(pourvue) Génération de seconde harmonique pour la caractérisation des interfaces diélectrique/silicium

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Date de début : 01/02/2024

Offre n° IMEPLAHC-CMNE-01-12-2024

                                                                          MASTER 2 INTERNSHIP PROPOSAL           

                                                                Génération de seconde harmonique
                                       pour la caractérisation des interfaces diélectrique/silicium

                                                                                                              Début: Février 2024
                                                                                                              Durée: 5-6 months

The microelectronics and optoelectronics industry relies on complex dielectric/silicon stacked  structures. Such structures, which are needed in cameras, displays, MOS transistors, …, must have very well-defined material properties but also electrical properties in order for the device to work properly.
One challenge associated with the development of those stacks is to be able to characterize their  electrical properties at the chip level and in a non-destructive fashion.

A novel method to achieve non-destructive electrical characterization of interfaces using second harmonic generation (SHG) is currently under active development at IMEP-LaHC, within a collaboration with STMicroelectronics.  This technique has passed the demonstration stage, but in order to be used as an in-line metrology tool in the industry, it needs to prove its ability
to distinguish and quantify two different electrical properties of the interfaces: the trap density and the fixed charges. In order to provide this functionality, a  calibration procedure of the raw results from SHG measurement .must be developed and it is the aim of the internship. The calibration procedure will be obtained by characterizing simple
stacks using both SHG and other established characterization methods such as capacitance – voltage (C-V) measurements.

During the internship, the work will include:

  • Understanding theoretical aspects: second harmonic generation, electric field distribution in semiconductor structures, charges and defaults at the
    interface between dielectric and semiconductor materials.
  •  Using SHG characterization tool available at IMEP-LaHC to test simple stack structures under different configurations (influence of the laser power, influence of the substrate bias, …)
  •  Develop a model to fit the experimental curves.
  • Compare the SHG measurement with C-V measurements in order to provide a method to separate traps and fixed charges densities from SHG measurements.

The intern will work in close collaboration with permanent researchers and a post-doctorate fellow involved in this project from the laboratory.
She/he will participate to the meetings with STMicroelectronics to discuss project advancements. We are looking for motivated candidates, with strong knowledge in non-linear optics and/or semiconductor physics and who are willing to actively participate to a collaborative project. During this multidisciplinary internship, the student will develop both experimental and theoretical skills that can be put to profit for his/her future career in both academic and industrial worlds.

Applicants must send CV and motivations to the contact indicated below. Interviews will be conducted to explain the project and assess whether both side will benefit from the collaboration.


  • Mots clés : Sciences pour l'ingénieur, Electronique et microélectronique - Optoélectronique, FMNT, IMEP-LaHc
  • Laboratoire : FMNT / IMEP-LaHc
  • Code CEA : IMEPLAHC-CMNE-01-12-2024
  • Contact :
  • Merci de votre intérêt, mais cette offre de Stages est déjà pourvue.
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