News : Engineering science

May 31 2024

Alternative methods based on dynamic detection for a new generation of ISFET-like biosensors in graphene

Alternative methods based on dynamic detection  for a new generation of ISFET-like biosensors in graphene                                         Deadline for application: 18th of June 2024, beginning of contract: 1st of Oct. 2024   Place: CROMA (Minatec) and Néel Institut, Grenoble (France) Advisors: Irina Ionica (Associate Professor Grenoble INP), Cécile Delacourt (CNRS rechercher, Néel Institut), Context and objectives: […] >>

January 29 2024

Post-doctoral Position in SiC-based-FET Biosensors

                            Post-doctoral Position in SiC-based-FET Biosensors at the Grenoble-MINATEC (Grenoble INP), France in collaboration with FORTH Institut, University of Crete, Greece.   A post-doctoral research position in SiC-based-FET Biosensors is available starting mid-2024. The work aims at the optimization of SiC-based nanowire FETs (NWFETs) and ion sensitive junction FETs (ISJFETs) for biosensing applications (pH, protein…). […] >>

December 01 2023

Characterization of dielectric/silicon interfaces using second harmonic generation

    MASTER 2 INTERNSHIP PROPOSAL                                                               Characterization of dielectric/silicon interfaces                                                             using second harmonic generation                                                                                                      Starting date: February 2024                                                                                                     Duration: 5-6 months The microelectronics and optoelectronics industry relies on complex dielectric/silicon stacked  structures. Such structures, which are needed in cameras, displays, MOS transistors, …, must have very well-defined material properties but also […] >>

October 25 2023

Optical characterization and optical communication experiment

                                                         Master 2  Internship            Optical characterization and optical communication experiment   Recent technological developments opened the way to exploitable systems operating at ultra-high frequencies (100GHz and above). Several applications such as next generation wireless communication systems, spectroscopes and Radars require continuous radio signals. Electrical sources, although having exceptional properties, struggle to access very […] >>

March 25 2022

Silicon-on-insulator sensors based on out-of-equilibrium potential reading

Silicon-on-insulator sensors based on out-of-equilibrium potential reading Deadline for application: the 23rd of May 2022 Beginning of contract: the 1st of Oct. 2022     Place: IMEP – LAHC, MINATEC – INPG, 3, Parvis Louis Néel, 38016, Grenoble Advisor: Irina Ionica (Associate Professor Grenoble ING) Contact: Irina IONICA +33 (0) 4 56 52 95 23 […] >>
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