News : Biotechnology, biophotonics

January 01 2023

Opto-microfluidic system for ultra-sensitive quantitative analysis: application to the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases

The DTBS at Leti develops new technologies to invent tomorrow’s medical diagnostic and therapeutic innovations in collaboration with public hospitals and universities. Inside this department, the LSMB lab gathers a multidisciplinary team to design and produce microfluidic systems for healthcare and biology applications. In collaboration with researchers from IRIG, the lab has set-up an innovative […] >>

January 01 2023

Improvement of the contrast of photoplethysmographic measurements for the monitoring of physiological parameters

Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique for detecting temporal variations in blood volume in tissues. PPG is used to monitor physiological parameters such as heart rate, pulse oximetry and blood pressure. PPG is a widely used method in physiological measurement systems, whether for consumer connected objects (smart watches, smartphones) or medical systems (oximeters). Even […] >>

October 18 2019

Magnetically actuated artificial membranes for biotechnology

New biocompatible magneto-elastic membranes have recently been developed at SPINTEC, based on the integration of magnetic microparticles previously investigated in biological studies [1]. Our earlier studies aimed at cancer cells destruction, through the low frequency magneto-mechanical vibrations of the particles dispersed among the cells [2). Here, on the contrary, magnetic particles are patterned in an […] >>

April 18 2018

Engineered BiomimEtic platforms to analyse the molecular and cellular role of Heparan Sulfate on bone morphogenetic protein 2

CONTEXTE The industrial development of biomaterials for bone tissue regeneration is steadily increasing due to socio-economical need for bone repair therapies especially caused by the aging of the population and improvement of the quality of life. A boost of bone repair can be achieved using potent osteoinductive proteins, named bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs). In Europe, […] >>
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