News : Radiation-matter interactions

January 01 2023

Group IV single photon detectors

Detection of single photons boosted the development of quantum information processing, as well as finding a wide range of applications in astronomy, sensing, metrology, LiDAR, and biosensing technologies.(1) Single photon detectors (SPDs) require high quantum efficiency (>90%), low dark count rates, and ultra-fast response. State of the art superconducting nanowire SPD (SNSPD) can deliver superior […] >>

January 01 2023

Operando monitoring of reaction heterogeneities in fast charging Na-ion batteries using synchrotron radiation: from micro and nano diffraction

Sodium-ion batteries can compete with Li-ion batteries for power applications, while being free of critical metals such as Co, Ni or Li. However, fast charging can lead to inter- and/or intra-particle reaction heterogeneities causing underutilisation of the electrode and/or mechanical degradation involving particle cracking. These complex non-equilibrium processes can have profound effects on the overall […] >>

October 11 2019

Operando characterization of batteries using synchrotron tomography and neutron imaging techniques

The in situ characterization of battery materials is needed to help designing safer and more efficient electrochemical devices. In particular, following in real-time the lithiation and ageing mechanisms require to use advanced non-destructive tools capable to probe the system during cycling. In this regard, synchrotron and neutron techniques provide unique capabilities to access the chemical, […] >>
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