Fame Master’s program to include AI

Categorie(s) : Education, News, Research

Published : 5 December 2022

The Erasmus Mundus Fame international master’s program, coordinated by Grenoble INP – Phelma, UGA, has a new component and a new name. The FameAIS program will cover artificial intelligence (AI) tools, used to accelerate the development of functional materials, optimize their properties and performance, and ensure that final designs enable sustainable solutions.

The AI elements of the program will draw on the expertise of both European and local partner institutions, such as MIAI in Grenoble. AI techniques can be applied to a vast range of materials, including semiconductors and magnetic, non-linear optical, and multi-functional materials. FameAIS was launched in September with a first cohort of 21 students, split between Grenoble and Darmstadt.

Contact: fame-master@grenoble-inp.fr

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