Spin waves detected in CMOS-compatible materials

Categorie(s) : News, Research

Published : 1 October 2018

Could spin waves have a future in tomorrow’s ultra-miniaturized CMOS-alternative systems? Until now it was clear that manipulating spin waves required the use of materials not compatible with silicon technologies. In addition, controlling and detecting spin waves entailed using techniques that cannot be miniaturized. Researchers from INAC recently overcame several of these hurdles. The researchers successfully generated, propagated, and detected spin waves with wavelengths of up to 150 nm in waveguides fabricated from STT-RAM memory materials.  The thicknesses of the very thin layers in the stacks were carefully chosen to enable propagation with very low attenuation. Detection leveraged the inverse spin Hall effect, which is compatible with ultra-miniaturization. The findings were published in Nanoletters.

Contact: gilles.gaudin@cea.fr

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