Unprecedented start to 2020-2021 school year at Phelma
Categorie(s) : Education, Events, Life @ MINATEC, News
Published : 5 October 2020
Phelma was able to physically welcome first-year students to school on campus on September 11. With social distancing and other Covid-19 measures in effect, the first day of school was unlike any other.
Three auditoriums were prepared (with every other seat left open) to welcome the incoming first-year class. The students may have missed out on the usual “first day” excitement, but they did get a chance to meet other new students like them and see what the coming year will be like.
Because the entrance exams were disrupted by the pandemic, admissions were not completed until early September, almost four weeks later than usual. Despite the reigning uncertainty, 360 new students enrolled, similar to previous years.
Some international students still stuck in their home countries
Around 50 international students from all classes and majors are still stuck in their home countries due to border closings and have not yet made it to Grenoble.
And, with classroom capacity cut in half, managing student schedules and classroom occupancy is a conundrum. School officials will have to continue to think on their feet to ensure that students keep learning and that everyone stays safe.
Most of the new student orientation activities have been cancelled. A few outdoor activities, including a trip in very small groups up to the Bastille overlooking Grenoble, will be maintained. Back at the school, activities like foosball are prohibited and the Foyer cafeteria is closed until further notice. Student club offices are also closed.
Contact: alexis.sableaux@phelma.grenoble-inp.fr