APIX Analytics ready to take on US and Asian markets

Categorie(s) : Industry, MINATEC, News

Published : 5 February 2018

Startup APIX Analytics raised €8 million in late 2017 to speed up its development on international energy and environmental markets. The company, which currently does 60% of its business outside of France, opened an office in Beijing early this year and plans to open a US office by the end of June. The influx of capital will also position APIX Analytics to develop new, miniaturized analysis solutions, in particular through its joint R&D lab with Leti. The future systems will—like the company’s previous generation of products—include key gas chromatography capabilities. They will address the laboratory accessory and high-temperature analysis markets. In other news, APIX Analytics acquired a controlling stake in its partner nCx, which scales up and manufactures APIX Analytics products.

Contact: philippe.andreucci@apixanalytics.com

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