Grenoble INP-UGA online Open House

Categorie(s) : Education, Life @ MINATEC, News

Published : 1 February 2021

The eight schools of Grenoble INP-UGA and the INP preparatory program will hold their Open House on Saturday, February 27. For the first time ever, the event will be 100% virtual.
Each of the schools, including Phelma, will have its own virtual exhibit booth, plus hangouts and breakout spaces for one-to-one meetings. Around 20 people from the school, half of which are students, have volunteered to answer visitors’ questions on the big day. Visitors will also be able to attend two interactive presentations of the school and virtual tours of the campus.

The Open House is being promoted on the Grenoble INP websites and social media accounts as well as by L’Étudiant magazine and Onisep, a government agency that provides education and career information. Information about the Open House was also sent out to high schools.

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