Melanoma: IBS investigates vaccine potential

Categorie(s) : Innovation & Society, News, Research

Published : 2 February 2021

Researchers at IBS* are using protein antigens characteristic of melanoma, a particularly aggressive form of skin cancer, to explore whether or not stimulating a patient’s immune system can enhance treatment of the disease. The antigens would be vectorized by a non-infectious particle derived from the adenovirus.

Cancer generally attenuates a patient’s immune response. Here, the idea is to stimulate a strong immune response with a vaccine. One additional benefit of this type of vaccine is that it would be easy to volume manufacture.

The scope of this research encompasses vector production and both in vivo and in vitro testing. Solène Besson, the recent winner of an award from the Silab-Jean Paufique Foundation, is supervising a PhD thesis on the project. The award came with a €20,000 grant to be disbursed to her lab over three years.


*with France’s national blood bank and IAB Grenoble

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