MINATEC TV goes interactive

Categorie(s) : Education, Industry, Innovation & Society, Life @ MINATEC, MINATEC, News, Research

Published : 2 December 2013

MINATEC TV’s Channel 2, “Live from Our Labs,” already boasts 12 videos—and more are on the way next year. The big star of Season 2 will be interactive interfaces that let users learn more in just a few clicks. The first “clickable” film will be on lens-free imaging, a technology currently being studied by researchers at Leti and IRSTV. Thanks to the new interfaces, users can learn about a technology by clicking on icons representing different applications, zoom in to read a journal article, and visit the social networking sites of labs and partner businesses directly from the film credits. The films also have a revamped design and updated content.


Contact: irina.gafton@cea.fr

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