Startup Direct Analysis racking up the milestones

Categorie(s) : Events, Industry, Innovation & Society, News, Research

Published : 3 October 2021

Direct Analysis, the 70th startup from CEA-Leti, has stayed under the radar since it was founded at the beginning of the year.
The company has won an i-Lab award, completed twelve demos of its food testing solution, and secured preliminary regulatory approvals. Direct Analysis could open its own plant near Grenoble as early as 2022.

Direct Analysis can deliver biological test results in just six hours instead of 24 without compromising on sensitivity—an advance that is sure to please the food industry, where faster results can ensure that bad batches are pulled before they reach consumers, avoiding costly product recalls. The rapid testing solution can also be used preventively on factory equipment.

A CEA-Leti innovation protected by eleven patents

The key to Direct Analysis’ innovative solution is a microfluidic chip that extracts DNA from the sample and completes a PCR test. Because it can handle samples a hundred times larger than standard microfluidic devices, less incubation time is required to be able to detect any pathogens present.
Direct Analysis currently has seven employees, including two from the CEA. The company brought an experienced founder on board to lead it to growth.
Up next: at least one fundraising round and, potentially, a factory near Grenoble, maybe as early as 2022.
Direct Analysis has completed demos at the manufacturing plants of twelve food companies, mainly multinationals. The demos are expected to lead to regular use of the solution.


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