Théano Karatsori leads the way for young women in science

Categorie(s) : Education, News, Research

Published : 1 October 2019

Théano Karatsori authored nine articles and five conference papers during her PhD research alone. If that wasn’t impressive enough, she also won the EEA* Best Dissertation Award for her work. This bright young woman, now a post-doc at Leti, is certainly doing something right!

Her award-winning research on the characterization and modeling of nano-scale (28 nm and 14 nm) SOI MOSFETs—and specifically, her models and variability and reliability tests—turned out to be extremely valuable to the microelectronics industry.

After completing her PhD at IMEP-LaHC, Ms. Karatsori went on to a one-year post-doc on the characterization of a 3D integration technology. She came to Leti in August, where she is working on modelling a silicon qubit that could power tomorrow’s quantum computers.





*The Electronics, Electrotechnics, and Automatics Faculty Club


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