Continuing education at INSTN Grenoble, combining nuclear engineering and micro and nanotechnology
The Grenoble Branch of the National Institute for Nuclear Sciences and Techniques (INSTN) boasts a catalogue of some 30 continuing education programs in micro and nanotechnology, new energy technology, nuclear engineering, and nanomaterials safety. INSTN can also develop custom programs on request.

Each year, INSTN runs around 50 training sessions ranging from a half day to two weeks in length for some 600 participants, mainly from the CEA (the French Atomic and Alternative Energy Commission), but also from businesses, universities, and the CNRS (the French National Center for Scientific Research).
These programs represent a total of 600 hours of training per year.

Continuing education at the Grenoble branch of the INSTN differs from the Institute’s other branches in that it focuses heavily on micro and nanotechnology and enjoys an opportune location at the heart of an innovation ecosystem.
For example, some of the lab work for INSTN courses is done using the advanced equipment at the MINATEC nanocharacterization platform or at other MINATEC labs.
INSTN runs several programs in association with Grenoble Institute of Technology; these include continuing education programs in x-ray material characterization and full-time Master’s degree programs.